Friday 4 July 2014

Editor's Note #19 VDU takes a pause...[UPDATE]

With so many other great, and sometimes overlapping, graphical sources of MERS-CoV information around right now, this seems like a good time to take a break from blogging for a while. 

In the short-term, I'm going to devote my hobby-time to some other virus-related reading & quite a few career-related tasks as well. Sadly, while I immensely enjoy this new-found science communication and writing gig, it does not contribute anything to my "day job". Not a jot...well 2 papers and a review in the pipeline and a million media interviews (those are not viewed with much value by the job, but I feel they are of use for the much wider community). I'm not talking about financial benefits here, I'm referring to blogging not ticking any boxes that contribute to my role description. Social media is still very much though of as a place for selfies and not sciences in many (?most) circles. We're still quite some way off the day when researchers will be expected to be able to engage their stakeholders or share around their knowledge. Sure, there are words on paper here and there, but reality and recognition? Not on my horizon anyway. Sad but true. Also, the level of additional research that goes into this hobby is pretty hard to sustain.

So, while I'm off having a change and a think about things, please do enjoy the back-catalogue if you need a VDU fix.

Note #1: Its not my intention to stop blogging for those concerned about that!
Note #2:  Thanks to Prof Racaniello's inspirational comment (stop whinging, do more - see here), I'll try and make some more time to keep up with the blogging.

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