The 6th country in the West African outbreak to host a case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in 2014, is Mali.
The case was a 2-year old girl who was symptomatic while still in Guinea.
She travelled with her grandmother >1,000km by public transport to Bamako (Capital city of Mali), setting out 19-Oct. WHO are treating the situation as an emergency; there were multiple opportunities for exposure. The case's mother may have died of EVD in Guinea and her grandmother may have travelled from Mali to Guinea to attend the funeral.
The case had contact with health services
in Kayes, western Mali, on 20-Oct. She was referred and admitted
to a paediatric ward of Fousseyni Daou Hospital 21-Oct with a fever of 39’C,
cough, bleeding from nose and blood in her stool). Tests were negative for malaria but positive for typhoid fever. Pain relief was given but there was no improvement.
Further tests confirmed EBOV 23-Oct at the SEREFO (Center for TB and AIDS Research) laboratory in Mali.
Samples are being sent to a
WHO-approved laboratory for confirmation.
The girl has since died.[2]
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