Friday, 23 August 2013

MERS-CoV updated graphs...

With all the movement in case numbers after a 3-week hiatus, I thought it worth checking what the charts look like.

This is graph (above), is based on dates of onset combined with dates of reporting to fill data gaps. We can see the Proportion of Fatal Cases (PFC) has settled. There are some data gaps that prevent this from being an ideal graph - this is why dates of reporting were also used to give a better, but general, idea of the status of case and death changes: 44/102 (or 103) are missing. Also, details for 3 deaths, 7 ages and the sex of 5 patients are not available (or I have not found them at least!).

In this chart (right) we can see the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has most cases 0 the proportion has remained about the same as it was for my last update July 9th - around 80%.

Below, we see the regional accumulation of cases. I may need to research what exactly has been imported and what acquire locally in Qatar - or change the numbering to reflect country "dealing with"the case to make things simpler. But you get the gist. KSA continues its steep growth of MERS-CoV case numbers.

I'll update my main MERS-CoV page with these soon.


  1. Isn't it surprising how calm the Umrah season was, and how many reports are coming out these days?

    1. Susan, your thoughts are not lost on us. With a 7-14 day incubation period behind a lax reporting in SA, we expect a steady stream of new infections for the next few weeks however, and thankfully so, MERS is yet to move out beyond immediate infections.


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